Are you an animal lover? Some noteworthy biology degrees are perfect for you. If you want to work with animals, you aren’t limited to being an animal handler or a veterinarian. 

Many exciting degrees lead to a fulfilling career in the world of animals.  

Read on to discover the best biology degrees for animal lovers! We’ll also discuss projected salaries for graduates of each degree, and the cost of education you can expect to pay for each. 

All About Biology Degrees For Animal Lovers

There are countless species of animals – marine, avian, and everything in between. Similarly, there are many degrees related to them! 

The degrees below are the top biology degrees for animal lovers of all kinds. Note that average degree program costs may differ according to your choice of educational institution. 

Animal Behavior And Psychology

An animal behavior and psychology degree focuses on the psychological and neurological study of animals. You can learn about the behavioral evolution, cognition, and sensory perception of animals. What are their motivators? How do they learn, and how much of their behavior can be attributed to instinct?  

Average Salary

The median annual salary for people with this degree is $44,280. Your salary can depend on your level of study, experience, work environment, and employer.

Average Cost of Education

The average undergraduate cost of this degree is $33,545 annually. 

Veterinary Degree

Are you interested in the health of animals? Do you want to restore sick or injured animals to health? A veterinary degree might stand out to you! 

A veterinary residency training program will equip you to provide medical care to various animals. You’ll learn to diagnose diseases and offer supportive treatment to aging animals.

Average Salary

The median salary for those with a veterinary degree is $86,437 per year.

Average Cost of Education

A Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree (a professional degree) costs anywhere from $28,000-$54,000 a year for in-state tuition.

Zoology Degree

A zoology degree will teach you all about different animal species. You’ll learn about their molecular and cellular systems, physiology, anatomical structure, and behavior. Topics covered range from microbiology to evolutionary biology. 

Average Salary

The median annual salary for graduates with this degree is $76,351. 

Average Cost of Education

Average undergraduate in-state costs for this degree is about $14,882 per year.

Equine Science

An equine science degree covers everything you need about horses, including their breeding, care, and management. This is an invaluable degree for those wishing to work on stud farms, or with race and show horses. 

Average Salary

For people with a degree in equine science, the median annual salary is $47,388. Depending on your work environment, you could earn far higher than this. 

Average Cost of Education

The average undergraduate in-state cost of this degree is $9,887 per year.

Conservation Biology

A degree in conservation biology prepares you to deal with conservation issues. With a degree like this, you can work in fields related to biodiversity and ecological sustainability. 

Topics covered include environmental science, extinction theory, and the interaction between humans, animals, and plants. Ecosystem management, wetland conservation, and the biology of fields, forests, and wildlife are also covered.  

Average Salary

In the field of conservation biology, you will earn a median salary of $60,968 per year. However, your salary may vary depending on your employer.

Average Cost of Education

The average undergraduate in-state cost of this degree is $24,339 per annum.

Evolutionary Biology

Evolutionary biology is the study of animal and plant evolution. This degree will teach you about their origins, allow you to examine their history, and help you pinpoint how they have evolved through time. 

This field of study is particularly relevant to those wanting to understand the long-term effect of environmental factors on fauna and flora. 

Average Salary

Evolutionary biologists earn median annual salaries of $70,651. 

Average Cost of Education

The average undergraduate in-state cost of this degree is $27,406 per year.

Marine Conservation And Biology

Are you an ocean lover at heart? 

A degree in marine conservation and biology will teach you about marine life in the oceans. Along with wetlands and other bodies of water. Special attention is given to marine animals living in these waters. The importance of marine plant life and oceanography is also addressed.

Average Salary

The median salary for people with a marine biology and conservation degree is $74,489 per annum.

Average Cost of Education

The average undergraduate in-state cost of this degree comes to $21,773.

Wildlife Rehabilitation

A wildlife rehabilitation degree will offer you the chance to work with animals that need rehabilitation. You’ll learn how to manage rehabilitation centers, wildlife reserves, and also recreational parks.

Average Salary

Are you thinking of pursuing wildlife rehabilitation as a career? With this degree, the median annual salary is $53,957.

Average Cost of Education

The average undergraduate in-state cost of this degree is $10,244 a year.

Poultry Science

A degree in poultry science will introduce you to the world of poultry, specifically in the context of farming and hatcheries. Topics include poultry care, feeding, hatchery design, and maintenance, 

Average Salary

People with a degree in poultry science can expect a median annual salary of $57,342. 

Average Cost of Education

The average undergraduate in-state cost of this degree is $9,291 per year.

Dairy Science

This degree won’t teach you how to make great yogurt and cheese. Instead, it focuses on animals that provide us with these delicious products.  

If you want to support dairy animals with good nutrition and care, a dairy science degree might be a good option for you.

Topics such as the handling and treatment of dairy animals, as well as the management of dairy facilities, are covered in this program. 

Average Salary

With a degree in dairy science, you can look forward to a median salary of $57,342. 

Average Cost of Education

The average yearly undergraduate in-state cost of this degree in the US is $11,253. However, this will be subject to your employer and role. 


Do you love the mathematical side of science? If research and statistics that pertain to the natural world are interesting to you, consider a degree in biometrics

In this degree, you’ll learn how to apply statistics to animal research studies. You’ll also be taught to plan and coordinate clinical research projects. 

Average Salary

Does the study of biometrics appeal to you? With this degree, the median salary is $79,969.

Average Cost of Education

The average undergraduate in-state cost of this degree is $26,063.

Final Thoughts

There are many degrees out there for animal lovers! If you love animals, and can see yourself working with them, the above degrees are good options for you. 

From the options explored in this article, a degree in veterinary sciences offers the highest expected salary. However, many biology degrees for animal lovers can lead to good careers.